投稿时间:2018-12-05      点此下载全文 HTML
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刘英 省部共建农产品质量安全国家重点实验室(筹), 农业农村部农药残留检测重点实验室, 浙江省农业科学院 农产品质量标准研究所, 杭州 310021
海南大学 食品学院, 海口 570228 
王新全 省部共建农产品质量安全国家重点实验室(筹), 农业农村部农药残留检测重点实验室, 浙江省农业科学院 农产品质量标准研究所, 杭州 310021  
汤涛 省部共建农产品质量安全国家重点实验室(筹), 农业农村部农药残留检测重点实验室, 浙江省农业科学院 农产品质量标准研究所, 杭州 310021  
许振岚 省部共建农产品质量安全国家重点实验室(筹), 农业农村部农药残留检测重点实验室, 浙江省农业科学院 农产品质量标准研究所, 杭州 310021  
陈文学 海南大学 食品学院, 海口 570228  
张昌朋 省部共建农产品质量安全国家重点实验室(筹), 农业农村部农药残留检测重点实验室, 浙江省农业科学院 农产品质量标准研究所, 杭州 310021 cpzhang1215@126.com 
王强 省部共建农产品质量安全国家重点实验室(筹), 农业农村部农药残留检测重点实验室, 浙江省农业科学院 农产品质量标准研究所, 杭州 310021
海南大学 食品学院, 海口 570228 
中文摘要:为筛选出最佳清洗方法,提高芹菜的食用安全性,采用正交试验设计,研究了自来水、食盐、食醋、小苏打和果蔬清洗剂对田间芹菜样品(以下简称田间样品)及实验室模拟芹菜样品(以下简称实验室模拟样品)中吡虫啉残留的去除效果。结果表明:各种清洗方式对田间样品及实验室模拟样品中吡虫啉残留均有一定的去除作用。其中,田间样品去除率分别为自来水18%~46%、食盐溶液42%~75%、食醋溶液39%~68%、小苏打溶液14%~42%和果蔬清洗剂溶液29%~75%,去除能力由高到低依次为食盐溶液 = 果蔬清洗剂溶液 > 食醋溶液 > 自来水 > 小苏打溶液。实验室模拟样品去除率分别为自来水35%~63%、食盐溶液13%~31%、食醋溶液23%~42%、小苏打溶液13%~40%和果蔬清洗剂溶液25%~44%,去除能力由高到低依次为自来水 > 果蔬清洗剂溶液 > 食醋溶液 > 小苏打溶液 > 食盐溶液。以去除率为评价依据,清洗液的清洗时间、温度、质量分数和浸泡次数对去除率均有不同程度的影响。研究结果对于去除芹菜等蔬菜中吡虫啉残留,降低膳食摄入风险,具有一定指导意义。
中文关键词:膳食风险  芹菜  吡虫啉  残留  清洗方法  去除效果  正交设计
Removal effect of imidacloprid residue in celery by different washing method
Abstract:In order to identify the best cleaning method and improve the edible safety of celery, the effects of washing methods on the removal of imidacloprid residue in celery were studied by orthogonal design. The results showed that removal rate of imidacloprid residue in field samples were 18%-46% after water washing, 42%-75% after salt solution washing, 39%-68% after vinegar solution washing, 14%-42% after baking soda solution washing, and 29%-75% after cleaning agent solution washing, respectively. The removal rate of imidacloprid residue in field celery sample by different agents was in the following order:salt solution=cleaning agent solution > vinegar solution > water > baking soda solution. The removal rate of imidacloprid residue in laboratory samples were 35%-63% after water washing, 13%-31% after salt solution washing, 23%-42% after vinegar solution washing, 13%-40% after baking soda solution, and 25%-44% after cleaning agent solution washing, respectively. The removal rate of imidacloprid residue by different agents in laboratory celery sample was in the following order:water > cleaning agent solution > vinegar solution > baking soda solution > salt solution. The removal rate of imidacloprid residue in celery is affected by the cleaning time, temperature, concentration and soaking times of the cleaning solution. The results are instructive for removing imidacloprid residues in celery and reducing the risk of dietary intake.
Key words:dietary risk  celery  imidacloprid  residue  washing method  removal effect  orthogonal design
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